Besides forming his own band in 1973, Montrose performed with a number of rockers, including Herbie Hancock, Van Morrison, Boz Scaggs and the Edgar Winter Group. Montrose’s band by the same name was the launching pad for singer Sammy Hagar in the 1970s.
"Ronnie was the most fiery, intense guitar player of everybody," Hagar said, in an article in the Los Angeles Times. "There was Jimmy Page, Jeff Beck and Clapton, those were the guys, but none had Ronnie's fire. He played at 100 (percent), he was just on fire _ he jumped around, just was a really high-energy performer. I learned all that from him, and everything I do today _ no ego involved _ it came from him, from seeing him perform that first time with Edgar Winter and then standing next to him within a week and rehearsing. I was always a high-energy guy, but I wasn't that way (onstage) until I got in Montrose." (Los Angeles Time, 2012)
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