“Steve Vogel's book, The Prostate Storm, is an excellent read — insightful and evocative, with edgy candor and surprising humor. He takes you through his own personal journey dealing with the most common prostate problems — BPH (benign prostate hypertrophy), prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland) and prostate cancer. He explores the links between the three, and delves into the possible influences of diet, lifestyle and inflammation. He bluntly talks about the symptoms and side effects along the way, including urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction, and his battle to make the best decisions for his own long-term survival and optimal lifestyle. These are not popular topics, and often issues that men don't want to talk about — but they need to be on the table, and Vogel puts them there.
“This book is not just about a prostate cancer survivor, it's about the journey of a young, fifty-five year old marathoner who began suffering from urinary and prostate problems in his forties, and his experiences seeking treatment along the way for BPH, prostatitis and ultimately prostate cancer.
“Often throughout the book, most readers — especially male — will wince with his blunt descriptions of prostate exams, invasive tests, biopsies and prostate radiation treatment. But you'll be left with a much richer understanding of the significance of early screening and follow-up. This book will help you to know how to ask the right questions, motivate you to seek second opinions and inspire you to be more proactive — something all of us need to be in the very complex medical world out there.
“If you are a man suffering from prostate symptoms — from urinary urgency, frequency, recurrent urinary tract infections, enlargement of the prostate gland, or awareness of a higher than normal PSI — this book is for you. If you're a woman whose husband, lover or friend is suffering from these same problems, this book will help you as well to understand these diseases, as well as the fears and the realities of prostate problems, urinary symptoms, current treatment regimes, and the much talked about short and long term side-effects that men truly are concerned with.
“As a nurse, a woman, a wife, and a breast cancer survivor, I have no doubt that after reading this book, males and female readers will feel more educated on the subject of prostate health, and more equipped along the way when dealing with prostate gland problems and treatments. Hopefully, Steve's book will inspire you to learn more about the disease, and motivate you to take care of your prostate and general health, follow the research trends, ask good solid questions of your medical team, and ultimately, make better choices for your long term health, lifestyle and long term survival.”
T. Chelmowski, RN, MSN
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
“I really enjoyed the book. The language is straight forward, informative, and with plenty of smiles along the way. Vogel's understandable obsession with his diagnosis and treatment make LIFE better for all of the rest of us. His honest confessions about his own symptoms and fears will echo with every guy (and help the women who care for them understand).
“The descriptions of current treatment options cuts through doctors jargon and clarifies for us average guys what may be at stake. Vogel does, I believe, a very fair job of presenting the options offered and manages to keep his personal reasons for choosing treatment distinct from declaring judgement on the "roads not taken". It is a research tool. I'll keep the book around for several reasons- perhaps the most important will be for reference to all the alphabet soup I'll face when my diagnosis comes (though at age 70 I may be a "watchful waiter").
“I'm sending copies of the book to my son and my son-in-law they need to read it and have it lying around on that day when ‘could happen’ becomes ‘what the hell!’.”
Retired Rev. Carl C. Lundborg
Naples, Florida
“There is nothing funny about prostate cancer but I still found myself laughing out loud in this book ... Steve does a great job at writing about a serious subject and still keeping a sense of humor about it ... Steve’s book is an excellent primer on the prostate, PSA testing and treatment options for cancer. He’s pulled a lot of information together that’ll make you think twice, finally, about a gland guys don’t give much thought to until it’s too late ... Every guy entering his 50s needs to be acquainted with this information. I would imagine that for most guys The Prostate Storm is a real eye-opener.”
Roy Bleeker
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
“Sex the night before can raise your PSA? Saw palmetto can lower it? My doctor never mentioned that ... This book is jam-packed with little nuggets ... a must-read for all men in their forties and on.”
Mike Williams
Melbourne, Florida
“The Prostate Storm is a wake up call for all men, especially for Boomer-age and younger men who can still promote a healthy lifestyle to prevent future prostate disease. As a family physician for 26 years, I’m confronted with prostate disease and cancer on a regular basis. Steve’s book is informative and insightful, with a beneficial message and a surprising sense of humor. I’m recommending The Prostate Storm to all my male patients, starting in their thirties.”
Michael J. Vernacchio D.O., Family Practitioner
Chief Medical Officer of Family Medical and Dental Centers