Sunday, February 20, 2011

Family Guy Prostate Exam

Click here.



Peter Najar said...
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Peter Najar said...

Thanks for looking for and finding my blog I've chosen to be focus my blog on my experience with PCa with no attempt to inject to many assides on my life now. I'm reconsidering that position since the outcome is just as important as the treatment.

Your comment just caught me in Calgary Canada as I'm about to embark on a week long trip ton the Cariboos to do some helicopter skiing with CMH. Three years past treatment I feel great I'm in great shape. Life is good.

Daniel Sencier said...

Steve, Hi, great to hear from you. If I wanted to publish my blog as a book, how would I even begin? Will have a look for your book. Best wishes daniel

Steve Vogel said...

Hi Daniel, I'm a writer by trade, but I still found it a lot of hard work--more than I originally thought. I intended it to be an ebook, but it grew on me, so it's now available as a paperback too. The easiest way to publish is to self-publish--check out CreateSpace, the self-publishing arm of Amazon. That's a good starting place and much easier than going through the rejection process with traditional publishing houses. Prove you can sell it by self-publishing, and maybe a traditional publisher will get interested. There's lots of information out there on self publishing. I also had doctors proof my manuscript, hired an editor, and spent endless hours working on it. It was more a labor of love (and therapy) than anything else, and I hope, in the end, it helps other guys. I wrote the book I wish I would've read years ago, before the cancer. Good luck, Steve Vogel, author of The Prostate Storm