The Oakland Raiders NFL team is supporting Blue September at their home game opener against the New York Jets on Sunday, September 25. The game will support prostate cancer awareness and a portion of specially priced tickets purchased HERE will go to support prostate cancer research.
Raiders legend Jim Otto, a Blue September supporter since 2010, was diagnosed with a severe case of prostate cancer in 2002 and underwent treatment that was hard on him and his family. Jim encourages people to support Blue September and support the Raiders by buying tickets to the game and getting the word out.
Raiders legend Jim Otto, a Blue September supporter since 2010, was diagnosed with a severe case of prostate cancer in 2002 and underwent treatment that was hard on him and his family. Jim encourages people to support Blue September and support the Raiders by buying tickets to the game and getting the word out.
Hey, I am really impressed with this great post. Prostate cancer starts as a tumor grows in the prostate. Prostate Cancer that spreads outside the prostate gland to the lymph nodes, bones, or further areas is called metastatic prostate cancer.
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