Prostate Cancer Survival Rates Up Dramatically with Exercise
Run, walk, bike, sweat a little — if you’re a guy treated for prostate cancer, you can reduce your risk of the cancer reoccurring by over 60% with three hours a week of vigorous exercise compared to men who got less than one hour per week of vigorous exercise. These findings came from the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study, of 2705 men observed every two years over 18 years. "Vigorous" simply means "a very brisk pace" — in other words, work up a sweat for 30 minutes a day, six days a week. For anyone who has gone through surgery or radiation and all that anxiety about how things are gonna turn out, a little exercise every day is a small price to pay (and a cheap insurance policy). Why the positive outcomes from all that exercise? The study's authors suggest physical activity might influence cancer survival by modulating insulin activity and inflammation and/or by altering the immune system's behavior. More research is required, according to an article in The Washington Post.
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