Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Vaccine cures prostate cancer in mice: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic researchers have successfully cured prostate cancer in mice (80% of the time) ... using a HUMAN vaccine that triggers a response in the immune system ... a response that recognizes and attacks prostate cancer tumors ... with no side effects ... leaving the surrounding healthy tissue unharmed.

A vaccine, really?  You get a shot in your arse, instead of emasculating major surgery, radiation or chemo. Granted, this is another study with mice, but it sounds very promising's the Mayo Clinic.

Human trials are still 2-5 years away (why years?????) ... According to Majo researchers, the vaccine also shows promise for treating melanoma, and lung, brain and pancreatic cancer. 

Here's an article and video about it in the Huffington Post ... another longer article in Health Day .... and here's the abstract of the study, published in the journal Nature Medicine this week.

1 comment:

Nisa said...

loMayo Clinic Great Job! Your clinic has the cure for Not only human but also for mice.
Germany cancer clinic has also the cure for all types of cancers as well as for all kinds of living things. Germany cancer clinic