In my book, The Prostate Storm, I write at some length about my prediagnosis experience with hematuria (blood in the urine), urinary tract irritation and infections, chronic and acute prostatitis, frequency, dribbling, burning and urgency. They're all potential signs of advanced prostate cancer, as well as BPH and prostatitis, the other two common prostate diseases.
I had the targeted, high-dose radiation in 2008 and, interestingly, all those symptoms have disappeared. The cancer is gone, but so is the annoying BPH and prostatitis (apparently), which was everywhere in my pathology report. As one doctor later told me, "you got a three-fer."

With that in mind, here's a look at the symptoms for prostate cancer from an excellent site on all-things-prostate, Prostate Cancer Treatment Guide:
First of all … there are no early prostate cancer symptoms. In fact, men who develop prostate cancer may never exhibit signs and symptoms of prostate cancer, even during advanced stages. The tumor associated with adenocarcinoma of the prostate or prostatic adenocarcinoma is so small, that men do not experience symptoms. The symptoms listed below occur more commonly with BPH or prostatitis.