From New York Times, March 11, 2011 ... "Hospitals With Robots Do More Prostate Cancer Surgery"
"Hospitals that buy surgical robots end up performing more prostate cancer operations, suggesting that technology has become a driving force behind decisions about men’s cancer care, new research shows..."

"But," the article continues, "that hasn’t stopped hospitals from conducting intense marketing campaigns that imply surgery using the high-tech robot gives prostate cancer patients a better result."
Ben Org, author of All About The Prostate, put a finer point on the issue and financial incentives in the general promotion of robotic surgery, when he wrote in the following email....
"Follow the money. From 2001-06, use of the da Vinci system — the only robot available for this operation — rose from one per cent to 40 per cent of all radical prostatectomies. During that time, the stock price of da Vinci’s maker, Sunnyvale, California-based Intuitive Surgical Inc., increased 11-fold.